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Android development

At ITsquare, we offer you our extensive expertise in the development of native Android apps. Take advantage of our many years of experience in creating numerous applications for a wide range of devices. We set no limits in terms of the functionality and design of your apps and realize your individual requirements.

Are you looking for experts to develop your Android app?

Zu sehen ist ein Android Smartphone in Vollansicht, auf dem Screen kann man in grünen Buchstaben das Andorid Logo als Schriftzug sehen, rechts daneben steht ein kleiner grüner Android Roboter.

Android development for a wide range of devices

Whether smartphone, tablet, TV or smartwatch – we develop Android applications for all platforms and devices. We enable you to create harmoniously coordinated apps that are seamlessly integrated and offer a uniform ecosystem for your users.

Our services around Android apps

Seitliche Draufsicht auf ein geöffnetes Notebook, welches auf einem grauen Tisch steht. Der Hintergrund ist verschwommen angedeutet, im Fokus auf dem Notebook ist eine Anwendung mit buntem Programm-Code zu erkennen.

Android development with Java and Kotlin

At ITsquare, we specialize in programming with Java and Kotlin. With many years of experience in both languages, we make targeted use of the strengths of Java and Kotlin to develop customized solutions for our customers.

Advantages of Android with Java/Kotlin

Sophisticated and stable

Java/Kotlin are established programming languages that have been in use since the early 1990s. This long tradition brings with it a wealth of resources, libraries and tools that are available for Android development.

Large developer community

Due to its long history and widespread use, Java has an extensive developer community. This ensures a wealth of forums and support resources that can provide valuable assistance.

Range of resources

Many existing libraries, frameworks and tools are developed in Java, which considerably simplifies the integration and use of these resources.


Java has long been the preferred language for Android development, which is why numerous existing code bases and legacy systems support it.

Modern syntax

Kotlin is characterized by a concise and expressive syntax. This feature can make the code shorter and easier to read, which can contribute to faster development and a reduction in errors.


Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, so you can easily reuse existing Java code and integrate it seamlessly with Kotlin.

Collaborative support

Kotlin is recommended by Google as the preferred language for Android development, which results in regular updates and improvements that are specifically geared towards the Android platform.

Strong IDE support

Both Java and Kotlin are fully supported by Android Studio, the official IDE for Android development.

Cross-platform development

Kotlin can also be used for other platforms, such as for backend development with Kotlin/JVM or iOS development with Kotlin Multiplatform.


Here are frequently asked questions about Android development.

What is Java/Kotlin used for in Andriod development?

Java and Kotlin are the primary programming languages for Android development. They are used to create most of the app logic and user interface. While Java has traditionally been the preferred language, Kotlin is gaining popularity due to its modern features and better security mechanisms.

The time required to develop an Android app can vary greatly and depends on the complexity of the app, the desired features, the design and the specific requirements of the project. Simple apps can be developed in a few weeks, while complex applications can take several months or longer.

Some well-known apps that have been developed with Kotlin are Pinterest, Trello, Evernote and Coursera. These apps take advantage of Kotlin to provide better performance, fewer bugs and an overall improved user experience.

Developing Android apps with Java and Kotlin offers your company several advantages, including a large developer community, numerous libraries and frameworks, excellent integration with Android Studio and improved code quality and maintainability thanks to Kotlin’s modern features. This leads to faster development times, lower costs and a higher quality of your app.

Yes, Kotlin is also great for backend development. It can be used with frameworks such as Ktor and Spring to create powerful and scalable backend applications. Using Kotlin for the backend allows for a unified code base and facilitates collaboration between frontend and backend developers.

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