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Frontend development with JavaScript

JavaScript enables us to develop dynamic and interactive web applications that are perfectly customised for you and your company. Our years of experience from many projects with JavaScript make us your ideal partner in the field of web development.

Looking for experts in JavaScript development?

Our Services with JavaScript

We are your partner for project-specific JavaScript solutions

We offer a wide range of cooperation models for the development of your software solution. This enables us to provide customer-specific support and guarantee optimal cooperation depending on the project.

Hire a team of JavaScript experts

Hire a complete team of highly qualified JavaScript developers who will integrate seamlessly into your projects and deliver efficient solutions thanks to their well-coordinated collaboration. As the customer, you remain a central part of the development process, so that your ideas and visions always remain in focus.

Hire a JavaScript developer

You don’t need a whole team, but a single expert who can support you temporarily with his expertise? With ITsquare, you have the opportunity to strengthen your IT staff at short notice and on a selective basis.

Geöffnetes Notebook in frontaler Draufsicht. Es steht auf einem Holztisch im Fokus des Bildes und zeigt eine geöffnete Webseite. Im Hintergrund des Bildes scheint auf der rechten Bildseite Licht durch ein Fenster.

You have a specific challenge for which you are looking for a solution?

Contact us and let our experts work out a solution with you. No matter how complex the problem is, we will help you!

Why JavaScript can be part of your solution?

JavaScript has various strengths that can significantly improve the user experience when used correctly. Our JavaScript specialists know how to make the most of these strengths to best support your business goals.

Interactivity and dynamics

JavaScript enables developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications. With features such as DOM manipulation and event handling, websites can respond to user input and provide a rich user experience.

Cross-platform compatibility

JavaScript runs on all modern web browsers and operating systems without the need for additional plugins or software. This makes it ideal for cross-platform developments.

Rich ecosystems and libraries

The JavaScript community offers a variety of libraries and frameworks such as Angular, React and Vue.js that accelerate development and simplify complex tasks.

Asynchronous programming

With functions such as promises, async/await and callbacks, JavaScript supports asynchronous programming, which makes the handling of tasks such as network calls and database queries more efficient.

Integration with HTML and CSS

JavaScript can be seamlessly integrated with HTML and CSS, enabling the creation of modern, responsive and appealing websites.

Node.js for backend development

With Node.js, JavaScript can also be used for backend development. This enables the creation of scalable and powerful server applications and offers the advantage of a standardized language for frontend and backend. As a result, and with the help of tools such as Nx, code can be shared efficiently between frontend and backend.

High Performance

Modern JavaScript engines such as V8 from Google ensure high execution performance, which is particularly important for computationally intensive web applications.

Large developer community

The large and active developer community offers extensive resources, support and continuous development of the language and its tools.


These questions are frequently asked about development with JavaScript.

What is JavaScript used for?

JavaScript is mainly used for the development of interactive websites, but can also be used for backend development, mobile apps and even desktop applications.

The advantages include cross-platform compatibility, extensive libraries and frameworks, asynchronous programming and a large developer community.

Yes, with Node.js, JavaScript can also be used on the server, which enables the development of standardized applications for the frontend and backend.

Yes, JavaScript is secure when used correctly. Modern security practices and tools can minimize or eliminate many of JavaScript’s traditional vulnerabilities. By using proven security frameworks and regular security updates, we can effectively mitigate potential threats and ensure the integrity of your application.

Despite having similar names, JavaScript and Java are different types of programming languages with different application areas and syntaxes. JavaScript is an interpreted scripting language that is mainly used for the development of dynamic web content in the browser. In contrast, Java is a cross-platform programming language that is often used for server-side applications and mobile apps. Java is compiled and translated into bytecode that is executed on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), while JavaScript is interpreted directly in the browser.

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