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At ITsquare, we offer a wide range of technologies to meet the individual requirements of our customers and successfully implement their digital projects. Our expertise spans across frontend, backend, mobile, database and blockchain. Each of these technologies is carefully selected and used by our highly qualified team to develop innovative and powerful solutions.

Discover our technology skills and learn how we use modern frameworks and programming languages to create customized applications.

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ITsquare offers you comprehensive front-end development solutions with impressive and brand-strengthening user interfaces. Our experienced team of frontend developers translates your requirements into customized and effective solutions. Rely on ITsquare to take your web applications to the next level with React, Angular and JavaScript.

This comprehensive framework enables the development of dynamic single-page applications. It offers a structured architecture, two-way data binding and powerful tools for complex user interfaces. With Angular, our developers at ITsquare can efficiently create scalable and maintainable applications.

JavaScript is a versatile, dynamic programming language that is essential for developing interactive web applications. It enables the manipulation of HTML and CSS to create rich, dynamic user experiences. With extensive libraries and frameworks such as React and Angular, JavaScript can be used effectively for front-end and back-end development.

React Logo

This powerful JavaScript library enables the development of interactive user interfaces through component-based architecture. React uses a virtual DOM technology for fast updates and supports developers in creating scalable and maintainable applications.


With ITsquare, you get first-class backend development that optimally combines functionality, performance and speed. Our powerful services are designed for efficiency and reliability, even for complex requirements. Our specialized team develops scalable and secure backend solutions. With extensive expertise in Java, Kotlin and Node.js, ITsquare can help your business successfully achieve its goals.

Java is a versatile, object-oriented programming language that is known for its platform independence. It is used for the development of web applications, enterprise software and mobile apps. Java offers stability, scalability and an extensive library of tools and frameworks.

This modern, statically typed programming language on the Java Virtual Machine is characterized by clarity and conciseness. Often used for Android development and server-side applications, Kotlin offers advantages such as comprehensive support for functional programming and smooth interoperability with Java.

Node.js is a powerful, event-driven runtime environment for JavaScript that enables server-side applications. It offers high scalability and enables the development of fast, asynchronous web applications. Node.js is ideal for real-time applications and offers a large collection of modules via the Node Package Manage (npm).


ITsquare brings your mobile vision to life with customized applications for Android, iOS and Kotlin Multiplatform. Our team of experts develops innovative and powerful apps that shine on all devices. With our extensive experience, we deliver exceptional user experiences and seamless performance to optimize your mobile projects.

Android robot

Android app development enables the creation of powerful and user-friendly applications for Android devices. Using Android Studio tools and frameworks, as well as programming languages such as Java and Kotlin, developers can create customized apps that run seamlessly on a variety of devices.


iOS app development focuses on creating high-quality applications for Apple devices. Using Xcode and programming languages such as Swift or Objective-C, our developers can create powerful, user-friendly apps that run optimally on iPhones and iPads and utilize the unique features of the iOS ecosystem.

Kotlin Multiplatform enables cross-platform development with a common code base. Developers can use the same code for Android, iOS and other platforms, saving development time and simplifying maintenance. This solution provides flexibility and efficiency in creating consistent user experiences.

© “The Android robot logo is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.”



SQL databases offer structured data management through relational tables and clear data relationships. They support complex queries and transactions with comprehensive data integrity and consistency. This ensures precise structuring and reliable management of large amounts of data. At ITsquare, we rely on powerful database management systems such as MySQL and PostgreSQL to provide you with reliable and structured data solutions.

MongoDB Logo. Zu sehen ist ein Waldgrüner Schriftzug mit einem Stilisierten Blatt auf der linken Seite.

NoSQL databases offer flexible data models beyond relational structures. They are ideal for unstructured or semi-structured data and enable high scalability and fast access times, especially with large amounts of data and frequent changes. At ITsquare, we use database management systems such as the document-oriented MongoDB to implement scalable and flexible database solutions for your project.


At ITsquare, we use blockchain technologies to develop secure and transparent transaction systems. This decentralized and immutable way of managing data ensures trust and integrity in digital processes. In addition to the well-known application areas of financial services and supply chain management, we at ITsquare were one of the first companies to successfully implement and support applications in the travel sector. Here, the technology is used, for example, to verify bookings, combat fraud and create personalized offers.