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Angular Development

With extensive experience in Angular development, ITsquare offers customized development services. Our experts use their in-depth Angular knowledge to realize innovative and scalable solutions for projects of any size and complexity. You can rely on our expertise to meet your specific requirements efficiently and reliably.

You are looking for experts to develop your web application with Angular?

Ein junger Mann mit auffälligen Tätowierungen arbeitet konzentriert an einem Computer in einem modernen Büro. Er sitzt an einem Schreibtisch mit mehreren Monitoren, einer zeigt Codezeilen und der andere ein Design oder ein Dokument. Die Umgebung ist gut beleuchtet und vermittelt eine produktive Atmosphäre mit anderen Personen im Hintergrund, die ebenfalls an Computern arbeiten. Der Mann trägt ein schwarzes T-Shirt und hat kurzes, ordentlich gestyltes Haar.

Complete service for Angular development and reinforcement of your IT teams

We offer a comprehensive end-to-end Angular development service that covers all aspects of your project, from planning and design to implementation, ongoing maintenance and optimisation. Our experienced team of Angular specialists are on hand to develop customised solutions tailored to your exact needs.

We also support external IT teams with our Angular experts. Whether you need short-term support or long-term collaboration, our professionals will integrate seamlessly into your team and bring their extensive knowledge and expertise to successfully drive your projects forward.

Advantages of developing your application with Angular

Angular provides a powerful base for the development of modern web applications that are tailored to the individual requirements of each customer project. With its extensive features such as a robust TypeScript architecture, modularity, and reusability of components, Angular provides the ideal platform for sophisticated applications. Our goal is to deliver the best solution for your project by maximizing the following advantages of Angular:

Modularity and Scalability

Angular encourages a modular architecture that allows developers to divide complex applications into independent modules. This facilitates scalability, as modules can be added, removed or reused as required. The clear separation of responsibilities also improves the maintainability of the application.

Cross-platform capability

Angular allows developers to develop cross-platform applications for different devices, including web browsers, mobile devices and desktop computers. The code base can be used efficiently for different platforms, which reduces development costs and increases the reach of the application.

Rich Functionalities

Angular offers a wide range of features out-of-the-box, including advanced routing, form processing with validation, HTTP client for communication with servers and support for HTTP interceptors. These features facilitate the development of complex applications and reduce the need for third-party libraries.

Type safety with TypeScript

TypeScript, which is used by Angular, offers strict typing, which leads to better code quality and developer productivity. Errors can be detected during development, which further simplifies the maintenance and scaling of the application.

SEO friendliness and SSR

Angular supports server-side rendering (SSR), which improves search engine optimization (SEO) by allowing search engines to better crawl and index the full content of the pages. SSR leads to faster loading times and a better user experience, which also has a positive effect on the ranking of the application.

Static Site Generation (SSG)

Angular supports both Server-side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG). SSR renders HTML content dynamically with each request on the server, while SSG generates HTML pages in advance during build time. SSG thus offers faster loading times for static and high-performance content, while SSR renders dynamic content in real time, thus enabling faster interactivity.

Support through an active community

The large and active community of Angular developers worldwide provides continuous support, valuable feedback and frequent updates. This ensures that Angular is always up to date and meets the needs of enterprise applications, which increases the security and reliability of the applications.


Angular protects web applications from attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) with its built-in security mechanisms. It cleans data before DOM integration and uses the Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler to reduce XSS risks early in the build process. In addition, Content Security Policy (CSP) and Trusted Types offer effective protection mechanisms against XSS at DOM level. Angular thus ensures that developed applications are both secure and performant.


Angular optimizes the performance of web applications through features such as Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, which optimizes the code before execution and reduces the startup time of applications. In addition, Angular offers mechanisms such as lazy loading of modules to load only required resources as needed and thus optimize loading times.

Development steps involved in Angular development with ITsquare

Our agile Angular development methodology allows us to ensure fast iterations and continuous feedback, enabling us to respond flexibly to our clients’ changing requirements and maximize product quality. Below are the typical development steps that we implement in most of the Angular projects we manage:


Planning Process

Together we discuss your wishes and the requirements of your Angular project, define important milestones and draw up an agile project plan.



Whether organizing all applications and libraries in a large and centralized monorepo, e.g. using the Nx-pattern, or strictly splitting individual applications and libraries into multiple repositories for maximum independence and scalability of different projects, we analyze your requirements and rely on proven best practices and state-of-the-art tools to find the architecture that best fits your development process and goals.



Our designers develop intuitive user interfaces according to your specifications and place particular emphasis on optimizing the user experience. This includes the design of individual Angular components as well as more extensive user interfaces, the creation of wireframes and prototypes, but also the iterative testing and adaptation of existing designs. We take into account both your customer requirements and user feedback to ensure optimal user-friendliness.


Frontend Development

When developing the front end for Angular projects, we place particular emphasis on creating dynamic and appealing user interfaces. We create modern Angular components that enable seamless integration with the backend while optimizing performance and user-friendliness. We use the latest libraries and frameworks such as NgRX and RxJS for reactive programming and state management. We also use frameworks such as Tailwind, Angular Material or Bootstrap for attractive designs. Localization is made possible by libraries such as Transloco or i18n. Our goal is always to develop a responsive and intuitive user interface according to your wishes that will guarantee an outstanding user experience.


Tests and quality assurance

With extensive testing and comprehensive quality assurance, we guarantee the highest software quality for your Angular projects. We ensure the functionality and stability of your applications with manual and customized tests. Continuous monitoring and optimization ensure that your Angular solutions remain flawless and performant.


Maintenance and support

On request, we offer you long-term support, even after the go-live, and carry out the necessary maintenance for your Angular project. To this end, we provide regular updates, bug fixes and optimizations to ensure that your applications run smoothly and remain at the cutting edge of technology. Our team responds quickly to any problems that arise and offers proactive measures to ensure the long-term reliability and security of your Angular solutions.


In this section you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about developing your application with Angular:

Why should I use Angular for my project?

Angular is well suited for large and enterprise-wide applications, including single page applications, enterprise software and mobile applications. It boasts a robust architecture, an extensive ecosystem and optimized performance thanks to features such as AOT compilation and lazy loading. Integrated security measures protect against XSS and CSRF attacks, while cross-platform support facilitates development for different end devices. A user-friendly CLI and continuous support from Google promote developer productivity. Angular impresses with its modularity and comprehensive functionality, which clearly sets it apart from other frameworks such as React, which is particularly suitable for the development of individual, reusable UI components.

Angular has established as the preferred framework for the development of well-known applications. Examples include platforms such as Netflix, which use it for user-friendly interactive streaming applications, as well as global payment systems such as PayPal. Media companies such as The Guardian also use Angular for their online publications, while Vevo uses it to deliver music and entertainment content. Even car manufacturers such as BMW rely on Angular for internal applications and customer experiences. This versatility underscores Angular’s potential for both enterprise solutions and consumer applications.

The development time with Angular depends on several factors, including the complexity of the application and the specific requirements of your project. For simpler applications, a working prototype can be created in just a few weeks. For more extensive and complex applications, however, development can take several months, as additional functions must be implemented and tests and optimizations may also need to be carried out after the individual development steps.
Please contact us for an individual assessment of the complexity and expected implementation time of your project!

The differences between Angular, Vue.js and React mainly lie in their approach to web development and the associated use cases. Angular offers a comprehensive structure and clear guidelines for the development of enterprise applications, which is particularly advantageous for large teams and long-term projects. Vue.js, on the other hand, positions itself as a lightweight alternative with a clear structure and less “framework magic”, which supports flexibility and scalability without becoming too complex. React focuses on creating reusable UI components and requires a custom-designed architecture, which is ideal for projects that require customized solutions and greater flexibility. Each framework has its specific advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered depending on project requirements and team structure.

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